I started about 3 weeks ago in my online journey. It all started when I bought my very own laptop. My husband and my son and I shared a computer at home...but I never went online much. I work at a computer every day and I just didn't care to sit in front of another one at home.
But, then I started thinking about starting a portrait business (I draw portraits from photographs). So I bought a laptop, started a website (www.melindahowardportraits.com) and started using google adwords, blogging, squidooing...etc.).
It's all new to me. I'm a little overwhelmed actually. But I thought I'd begin my blogging world by going through my journey for a bit and see if it will help anyone else. These are strictly my issues and opinions, which is what blogging is, I suppose...but I'll do my best to be accurate and relevant.
First of all I love my Dell Inspiron laptop. I got it from ebay and it has vista...you got to understand, I'm a Mac person. I love Apple computers and if it were not for the extremely high price of apple laptops (I still think they are worth it)...I'd own one now. But I'm not totally disapoointed in my pc laptop. Dell did a good job. (comparatively)...I mean who can compare to an apple? And Vista isn't the devil like I thought it'd be. So, I'm content and satisfied. (although I can't promise that as soon as I can afford it I won't be selling the Dell on craigslist and buying my dream Mac).
Thanks for reading this ...especially if you aren't myself, my husband or any friends that I wrangled into reading it!
Peace out!
It begins...
Posted by
Melinda "Mel" Howard
on Wednesday, March 11, 2009
apple computers,
blog newbies,
I started about 3 weeks ago in my online journey. It all started when I bought my very own laptop. My husband and my son and I shared a computer at home...but I never went online much.
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