It's a new world

It's definitely a new world. Instead of reading to my son, who is 10 years old, tonight I am on my laptop and he is on his dad's laptop, playing club penguin. (He's so game savy)...and I have to ask him what to do.

He loves playing in this crazy little penguin world. I can see why. It's fun and interesting. You meet other little penguins who are being controlled by little people all over the world (mostly little people-I have the feeling that I'm not the only mom in the world that gets online with their kids) It can actually become addicting. You can sled, play hockey and throw snowballs at other penguins.

We've tried other virtual game worlds. My preference is for Build-a-Bearville. It's cute with it's little people that you can dress in your own style and walk around a larger world than on club penguin. There's also Zookazoo. It's not quite as fun.

On most of these sites you have to pay a premium to be able to buy things or play certain games. My son and I just enjoy waving at each other or playing hide-n-seek.

I also like the peace of mind in playing the games with him and understanding what he's doing. There are a few penguins who are a little rude (saying "go away" or making frowny faces)...but other than that I feel pretty good about Club Penguin and the other sites (so far).


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